Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Finding Balance

I've haven't written in a while. I was struggling with work-life balance. I was able to reduce my work schedule. I'm at the point now where I have to make a choice to add more hours so I can have my benefits or reduce my hours and lose my benefits. I am struggling. I rarely feel this way - I want my cake and I want to eat it too. I want reduced hours and to keep my benefits.

Since January, I have reduced my hours - I am LOVING it! I work enough and I'm home more for my family.

Since I was making less money outside of the home, we worked on cutting our expenses. I am reaching towards creating a monthly meal list. I'd like to move from food shopping weekly to food shopping every other week and eventually a big food shopping trip once a month. I have a goal to reduce our food budget. I'm back to using coupons. I buy mostly no frills already, however I do find the coupons pertain to cleaning and personal supplies for me.

Some other little tips I am using:
Always remember perimeter shopping is best * Focus on whole foods.
Have a weekly shopping list and list of meals.
Make a list of the family’s favorite meals to create a monthy menu.
Create a reusable shopping/pantry list.
Create a recipe book of favorite recipes.
Cook more from scratch.
Once a week – crockpot meals.
Consider a salad and sandwich or soup night.
Grow a garden.
Here is a list of making our own mixes recipes. Add favorites to the recipe book.