Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Shopping with the Kids

Simplifying my life has for the most part saved me money. That was an added bonus....or maybe the two work together hand in hand. When I first started simplifying, my children were young and we were on one income. I decided to stay home and raise my children. I evolved to become a Work at Home Mom and a Home Manager!

When my children were really young, we did not go out a lot. I hear other Moms talk about taking the kids out shopping. Shopping really never "worked" for us, at least not on a regular basis. Every once in a while I would meet my Mom halfway with my baby or later with my kids. We'd have lunch and have an errand to run at a store afterwards. That's about it.

So staying out of the stores or malls has saved us money. If I'm not there, the kids can't ask for it and I can't spend any money. Tip I heard long ago, if you are trying to save money, stay out of the stores!

At this point in time, we go shopping once a week. We food shop and pick up any other things we may need at that same store. Is this saving me money? It is for me. It's saving me money and time; it's definitely simplifying things for me. I rarely comparison shop though now. So I may be losing money there. I think in the long run you have to look at what is best for you. Simplifying and saving time are priorities for me

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