Monday, July 13, 2009

An Afternoon Spent Back in Time

As I type this, my children are dressed in their prairie attire - some of it creative play. My son is wearing jeans and a shirt with a denium apron around it. (He couldn't find his overalls). My daughter is wearing a shirt and shorts with an actual prairie bonnet and prairie apron. The kids are playing "Little House on the Prairie." They were creating their own covered wagon. They asked me for some assistance on the canvas. =) So we found a big comforter to fill that need. The wagon is all set up now and they are off now playing. There have announced they are taking a wagon ride back to Walnut Grove. I love sitting close by and hearing them play.

My daughter has some real prairie clothes as I just mentioned. She had a birthday recently and received them from Our Grandmom's Closet. After hearing them play today, I decided to surprise my son and order him a pair of kid's suspenders. Thank goodness for Google or I would not know if they even made suspenders for kids, let alone where to buy them! I ordered the carpenter suspenders from the Suspender Store. When there is a break in their play, I am going to pick up The Long Winter by Laura Ingalls Wilder and join them for some reading time.

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