Monday, August 6, 2007


When I decided to simplify, I searched for and in the library. I didn't come up with very many. Wasn't anyone else looking to simplify? I finally found Flylady. You can visit her at She is amazing! Her website is absolutely free. If you check on her site at this time of year, she has a section on Back-to-school and getting organized for students and teachers. I love that she includes almost everyone in her teachings. It's not just for teachers but also students.

Two big principles I took away from her website are "blessing others" and use of the timer. By "blessing others" I really took a look at what was in my house and what I actually needed and used. The other things, I got rid of and "blessed" someone else with them. It was very liberating! I also took things out of drawers or closets and USED them. If I couldn't find a use for it, it blessed someone else. No more saving things for special occasions.

The second principle is the use of the timer. What a great concept! In our multi-tasking nation, we are not use to focusing on one activity but doing three things at once. I love the timer! I realized it help me de-mulit-task (is that a word?) and focus on one thing at a time! It also helped me realize how much time it actually takes to do something - a task or a chore. So say I set the timer for 15 minutes and my daughter and I clean up her room. It's amazing to both of us when we finished in 7 minutes. Wow, that's all it took! It's such a simple concept and that's why I like it!

I don't want life to pass by me while I am multi-tasking. I want to take time to focus on one thing and enjoy it. I am finding it takes less time that way and I am happier!

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