Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Where are you Miss Manners?

Some of my friends think I'm a bit crazy! My one friend left a message on my machine without her phone number. When I finally got her number and called her back, she said "oh I thought it would come up on the caller ID." I smiled and told her we live in the dark ages over here and do not have caller ID. We moved last year and I can not believe how many options are offered with the telephone service now. I have to go through all of the options and tell them I just want local and long distance. I do not need caller ID, call waiting, call forwarding or any of the other services. Then they try to "sell me" and explain why I do need all of these services! I just want to keep it simple.

I do have a problem with call waiting also. I had one friend who was very social. Her phone was always ringing and she would always answer the caller ID! It was frustrating when I was talking on the phone with her. Does Miss Manners have a new book out on proper manners for our new technology?

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