Sunday, October 7, 2007

Places and Spaces for Our Things

Just as we have routines, we also need places for each of our things. This is the trick to keeping on top of any NEW clutter.

After you declutter, you need to organize what you are keeping. In order to organize, make a space for each item that you are keeping! That way when you are cleaning up you know where each item belongs. It will be much quicker to put things away, when you know where it belongs. It will also be much easier to stay on top of "clutter control."

Another idea when you make a purchase, if you are replacing an item, throw the old item out, bless someone else with it or give it to Goodwill.

Look around your home or office, the things that are piling they have a place where they belong? Or is that part of the problem? They need a designated spot.

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