Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Determine Your Values, So You Can Find Your Path in Life

I just finished reading David Bach's Smart Couples Finish Rich. It's actually the second time I've read it. He talks early on about defining the 5 values that you want to work on for the next 12 months, then developing a goal or a few goals for each value. I really like his thinking on the values. Most financial books or financial planners do not work around your values. Isn't that really where you need to start?

In his book you'll find:
Step One: Learn the Facts and Myths about Couples and Money
Step Two: Determine the True Purpose of Money in Your Life
Step Three: Plan Together...Win Together
Step Four: The Couples' Latte Factor
Step Five: Build Your Retirement Basket
Step Six: Build Your Security Basket
Step Seven: Build Your Dream Basket
Step Eight: Learn to Avoid the Ten Biggest Financial Mistakes Couples Make
Step Nine: Increase Your Income by 10 Percent in Nine Weeks

In his book, he also focuses on working together as a couple on your values, then goals, to have the life you've dreamed of together. When my hubby and I began this journey - our quest for a simple life, we used tools like David Bach's book. Take the time to read, sit and talk about what your really want in life, what is important to each of you, your values and your goals, then find a path together to reach these goals! You can do it. My hubby and I became so much closer emotionally when we determined where we wanted to be in life and we took action and started a path on our quest. If this in an intention for you, I highly recommend his book. Read the book, complete the steps, then take action!

The gap in our economy is between what we have and what we think we ought to have - and that is a moral problem, not an economic one. ~Paul Heyne

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