Monday, May 11, 2015

Fruit Aplenty: Our RV Journey - Summer Trip - Day 10

We have been eating so much delicious fruit on this trip! My favorite is Pink Lady apples. I love them! Cut up or whole, I am eating a lot of them. I am also a huge fan of a berry salad – blueberries and strawberries cut up and served together;  if there are any other berries around (such as raspberries) I am eager to add them in also! 

The kids have discovered some delicious apricots. They have been a rare find as the store is having difficulty keeping them in stock due to the sweetness the apricot offers. Today they took their first taste of a champagne mango. Their Grandpop shared this delightful fruit with them and then gifted us with a box of them. The kids immediately got their knives, sliced them and raved about them.  

~ Happy Camper

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